Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Unity In Diversity.

This week is a special week for everybody in Singapore as it's Racial Harmony Week ! Thursday the 21st of July is Racial Harmony Day. Students will be dressed up in different ethnic costumes. Malays will be dressed up in the Chinese's traditional costumes while the Chinese will be dressed up in the Malays' traditional costume. It is definitely a fun filled week as the activities that are planned are carried out !

The Singapore Pledge was read out in different languages every day. For the first day, it was read in Chinese. On the second day, it was read in Malay. On the third day, it was read in English. I definitely feel proud to be part of a multiracial society! Many activities were carried out during the Racial Harmony Week. The Fusion Dance by all the Secondary 3s as well as the Charity Bazaar by the lower secondary will be held on Racial Harmony Day itself. There will be many booths set up selling a variety of items from the different races. 

Racial Harmony Day is very important in Singapore as it is what brings peace to our country. If the different races are not united as one, there will be racial riots and many other arguments going on. Whenever we have troubles, we can always seek the other races to help us instead of always seeking help from our own race. That is a good way to show racial harmony in Singapore. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Decide your future.


After the Asthetics Festival, the Secondary 3 express had the ePortal session where there was a survey to find out what kind of careers were suitable for yourself. We also get to explore the different careers and what prospects they had. After the ePortal, we had the Careers Fair for the upper secondary in the afternoon on 16th May 2011. There were booths set up by Temasek Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic. There were booths set up by Simei ITE and Shatec. Students were give around 30 minutes to explore all the booths and they were really enthusiatic in asking questions and finding out the possible courses that were available to them after 'O' Levels. Students were then given time to plan what route they would like to go after graduating from secondary school. We also had a talk whereby we were told the importance of planning your future early and we did a reflection after the whole sessions. It was really meaningful and I hope that next year, junior colleges would set up booths and give talks as well so that we can see the difference and know better about our choice; either polytechnic or junior college after graduation.

Sharifah Nora from 3E1 said, "I wasn't really interested in going to poly after graduating but I was attracted by some of the booths as there were a wide range of interesting courses to choose from. It was really beneficial to those who had not plan their future."

Water through my lens .

We went to Sengkang Riverside Park to take the photos for the competition - Water through my lens.
The first photo was using an applied skill - Depth Of Field.


Vintage shophouse in ChinaTown

We went to Chinatown during cca and took photos for the competition - IMPACT.
I took pictures like stone statues of an owl and a stone lion. An hour spent exploring Chinatown was useful as I get to take pictures of things I've never seen before in Chinatown.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Portfolio - Senior Reporter .

 Charity Bazaar Blast

Secondary 2 students had a Charity Bazaar on 2nd August 2010 to help raise funds for the Children Cancer Foundation. The profits will be donated to help children with cancer.

In the afternoon after assembly, every Secondary class started to set up and decorate their booths. When everything was set up, all the students in the school started coming down from the classroom to the parade square, where the Charity Bazaar was held there.

"This Sec 2 Charity Bazaar was very innovative and they had much more creative ideas about the things they sold and the games they invented," said Shermaine Yim from 1E3.

The Charity Bazaar had different kinds of booths. They had booths for games, drinks, food, accessories, and song dedications. Many students were shoving to get their way through the crowd to a specific booth for the fun and interesting things that they sell. To attract attention from the crowd, 2E4 had a creative idea where they were giving out free hugs. 2E3 had chosen to do an arm wrestling game where it is only 50 cents per game and you could get a handmade bookmark if you won. It indeed attracted more students to come.

This Charity Bazaar had raised quite a large amount of money for the Children Cancer Foundation.

"I feel that this Charity Bazaar was a success. I hope there will be more of it in the upcoming years," commented Cedric Cheok from 1E4.

Team Singapore In Water
18 students had been sponsered by the school to go to YOG Swimming Event Semi-Finals and Finals on 17 August 2010, 6.30pm at Singapore Sports School. I had been chosen to go to the event by my CCA to take photos of the event. When we boarded the bus, everyone was filled with excitement and could not wait to get to the venue as most of us had never gotten a chance to go to a event before to watch it LIVE.
When we reached there, we had to go through checking of bags as the security was tight before proceeding in to the seats. We could hear many people screaming for their own country to win! Our school had gotten first row seats and we could see the athletes swimming very clearly.
After 1 hour or so, we were all feeling restless until Singapore started to compete in the Men's 50m Backstroke SemiFinal.

We cheered as loud as we could for the Singapore athlete to win! There was a close fight for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place of it. When we looked at the scoreboard once it ended, Singapore had won in 1st place. The athlete was Rainer Ng Kai Wee, 18. He was the first Singaporean in all the swimming events to qualify for the finals.

Another event that Singapore had competed in the semifinals was the Men's 4 x 100m Relay. Although Singapore had gotten the 7th place out of 8 countries, we did not jeer at them. Instead, we encouraged them because we knew they had tried their best.
China, Australia and Russian Federation were the countries that have won quite a number of medals be it Gold, Silver or Bronze medal. We all hope that the Rainer Ng would win in the finals and bring honour to Singapore!
 Preparation for Teachers' Day Performance
Preparation for Teachers' day performance has started. Students of different levels were preparing talents of their own to showcase to the school during Teacher's Day Performance. A group of upper secondary students were practicing at the empty area outside the science lab.

"I feel excited and fun to prepare for the performance! But at the same time, I feel pressurized because of the tests we have these weeks and the short time to prepare for the audition," commented Natasha from 3E4.

The group consists of 6 upper secondary school students. They had put in a lot of effort and time to meet up for practices even though they were busy with their studies and studying for exams around the corner. They had chosen songs to sing while playing the guitar at the same time.

"We really put in effort in this performance and I would be really honoured if my group were chosen to perform for the students and the teachers!" exclaimed Bryan Joseph from 3E3.