Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Unity In Diversity.

This week is a special week for everybody in Singapore as it's Racial Harmony Week ! Thursday the 21st of July is Racial Harmony Day. Students will be dressed up in different ethnic costumes. Malays will be dressed up in the Chinese's traditional costumes while the Chinese will be dressed up in the Malays' traditional costume. It is definitely a fun filled week as the activities that are planned are carried out !

The Singapore Pledge was read out in different languages every day. For the first day, it was read in Chinese. On the second day, it was read in Malay. On the third day, it was read in English. I definitely feel proud to be part of a multiracial society! Many activities were carried out during the Racial Harmony Week. The Fusion Dance by all the Secondary 3s as well as the Charity Bazaar by the lower secondary will be held on Racial Harmony Day itself. There will be many booths set up selling a variety of items from the different races. 

Racial Harmony Day is very important in Singapore as it is what brings peace to our country. If the different races are not united as one, there will be racial riots and many other arguments going on. Whenever we have troubles, we can always seek the other races to help us instead of always seeking help from our own race. That is a good way to show racial harmony in Singapore. 

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