Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Racial Harmony Interview

Name of Interviewee: Lua Xin Hui
Class: 4E3
Interviewer: Eunice Lim.

What do you feel about the carnival in school during recess today?
- It was quite good, and I enjoyed it very much.

What was good about the carnival?
- The carnival today was somewhat successful to me. There were lots of food of different variety and there were fun games too!

Why do you think racial harmony is important?
- If we do not learn to tolerate each other, there would be many disputes over minor issues. If we do not understand different cultures and races, we will easily offend people from other races because of their different cultures and beliefs.

Was there anything you dislike about the carnival?
- Yes, there was. It was too crowded and noisy, everybody was running about and shouting loudly. It was so chaotic at the booths because there was nobody to maintain the discipline.

What would you do if a riot would to break out suddenly?
- I'm not too sure, but I believe it would not happen. If it were to really happen, I would do the best of my ability to stop as many people as I can.

What will you pledge to preserve racial harmony in Singapore?
- I would make friends with people not only from my race, but also people from other races.

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